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47060: Set zero flag if key whose index is in A matches a direction, or the Berk / Drutt key
Used by the routine at 46968.
A Index of pressed key
F Zero flag set if input key index matches an entry in table at 46683, reset otherwise
HL Address of matching entry in table at 46683 (if match found)
47060 LD HL,46683 Point HL at table of current keyboard controls
47063 LD B,5 Load B with 5 (as we are checking the first five defined keys, see bugs)
47065 CP (HL) If character code at current HL position matches the key we are checking...
47066 RET Z ...then return with zero flag set
47067 INC HL Advance HL to next character in keyboard controls table
47068 DJNZ 47065 Loop back to 47065 to check next control
47070 RET Return
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