Prev: 40040 Up: Map Next: 40254
40192: Graphic layout data: Edible eyes (level 3)
40192 DEFB 244,4 Set current graphic set to 4
40194 DEFB 247,7 Jump to one of the 7 addresses in the following list, chosen at random (see bugs):
40196 DEFB 20,157 40212
40198 DEFB 20,157 40212
40200 DEFB 20,157 40212
40202 DEFB 27,157 40219
40204 DEFB 34,157 40226
40206 DEFB 41,157 40233
40208 DEFB 48,157 40240
40210 DEFB 55,157 40247
40212 DEFB 28,3,33
40215 DEFB 28,131,33
40218 DEFB 255 End marker
Looking ahead
40219 DEFB 29,6,33
40222 DEFB 32,134,33 (see bugs)
40225 DEFB 255 End marker
Looking up
40226 DEFB 30,6,33
40229 DEFB 30,134,33
40232 DEFB 255 End marker
Looking down
40233 DEFB 31,6,33
40236 DEFB 31,134,33
40239 DEFB 255 End marker
Looking right
40240 DEFB 32,6,33
40243 DEFB 33,134,33
40246 DEFB 255 End marker
Looking left
40247 DEFB 33,6,33
40250 DEFB 32,134,33
40253 DEFB 255 End marker
Prev: 40040 Up: Map Next: 40254