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38554: Script routine: (60) Check position of ape-beast and turn if appropriate
Used by the routine at 48096.
IX Address of complex state data for an entity
HL New address in script data
38554 BIT 0,(IX+11) If ape-beast's walking-right flag is set...
38558 JR NZ,38575 ...then skip ahead to 38575
Ape-beast walking left
38560 LD A,(IX+12) If minimum allowed x-coordinate of ape-beast...
38563 CP (IX+5) less than x-coordinate of left edge of ape-beast...
38566 JP C,48096 ...then jump to 48096 (advance HL to next script instruction and execute)
38569 LD HL,38432 Point HL at script data for ape-beast walking right...
38572 JP 48098 ...and execute
Ape-beast walking right
38575 LD A,(IX+12) If minimum allowed x-coordinate of ape-beast...
38578 ADD A,13 13...
38580 CP (IX+7) equal to or greater than x-coordinate of right edge of ape-beast...
38583 JP NC,48096 ...then jump to 48096 (advance HL to next script instruction and execute)
38586 LD HL,38450 Point HL at script data for ape-beast walking left...
38589 JP 48098 ...and execute
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