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37718: Script routine: (41) Move spider up one character and, if home, reset its timer and make it wait
Used by the routine at 48096.
IX Address of complex state data for an entity
HL New address in script data
37718 LD A,(IX+6) If y-coordinate of bottom of entity IX (spider) is not 106...
37721 CP 106 ...
37723 JP NZ,48541 ...then move entity up one character and return
37726 LD C,20 Load C with 20
37728 LD A,(IX+8) If entity class is not 27 (right-most spider, level 1)...
37731 CP 27 ...
37733 JR NZ,37744 ...then skip ahead to 37744
The following code affects the behaviour of the right-most spider depending upon how many times Berk has been killed by a spider. See (trivia) and (pokes).
37735 LD A,(34223) Load number of times Berk has been killed by a spider into A...
37738 SRL A ...and divide by four, discarding remainder...
37740 SRL A ...
37742 ADD A,C Add this value to C, in C...
37743 LD C,A ...
37744 LD (IX+12),C Load spider's timer with this value
37747 LD HL,37792 Point HL at script data for spider waiting...
37750 JP 48098 ...and execute
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