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37586: Update the states of the spiders (level 1) and store current positions in script data
Used by the routine at 36791.
37586 LD IX,43749 Load IX with address of complex state data for spider 1 (level 1)
37590 LD IY,37580 Load IY with start address of table of current positions in spiders' script data
37594 LD B,3 Load B with 3 as there are 3 spiders
37596 LD L,(IY+0) Load HL with current position in script data for current spider...
37599 LD H,(IY+1) ...
37602 LD (34277),HL ...and store at 34277 as position in script currently running
37605 PUSH IX Store IX
37607 PUSH IY Store IY
37609 PUSH BC Store BC
37610 CALL 37639 Update the state of the current spider (level 1)
37613 POP BC Restore BC
37614 POP IY Restore IY
37616 POP IX Restore IX
37618 LD HL,(34277) Store address (current position in script data for current spider) stored at 34277...
37621 LD (IY+0),L table at 37580 as current position in this spider's script data...
37624 LD (IY+1),H ...
37627 INC IY Advance IY to next entry in table (i.e. position in next spider's script data)...
37629 INC IY ...
37631 LD DE,13 Advance IX by 13 bytes (i.e. to entry for next spider)...
37634 ADD IX,DE ...
37636 DJNZ 37596 Decrease B (remaining number of spiders to process) and loop back to 37596
37638 RET Return
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