Prev: 37016 Up: Map Next: 37062
37018: Script data: Bat (level 1)
Stationary (off top of screen)
37018 DEFW 37205
37020 DEFB 1,0,154,144 Jump to 37018
37024 DEFB 8,0 Set must-process-current-script-data flag
37026 DEFB 27,0,8,0 Set repeat counter 3 to 8
37030 DEFW 37216
37032 DEFB 35,0 Move down one character
37034 DEFB 35,0 Move down one character
37036 DEFB 28,0 Decrement repeat counter 3 and loop back to 37030 if not zero
37038 DEFB 27,0,8,0 Set repeat counter 3 to 8
37042 DEFW 37205
37044 DEFB 28,0 Decrement repeat counter 3 and loop back to 37042 if not zero
37046 DEFB 27,0,17,0 Set repeat counter 3 to 17
37050 DEFW 37205
37052 DEFB 34,0 Move up one character
37054 DEFB 28,0 Decrement repeat counter 3 and loop back to 37050 if not zero
37056 DEFB 9,0 Reset must-process-current-script-data flag
37058 DEFB 1,0,154,144 Jump to 37018
Prev: 37016 Up: Map Next: 37062