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36921: Open Trap Door if Berk is near the left side of the Trap Door room
Used by the routine at 36887.
IX Address of complex state data for flying skeleton creature (level 1)
36921 LD IY,43593 Load IY with address of complex state data for Berk (level 1)
36925 LD A,(IY+5) If x-coordinate of Berk's left side is 104 or greater...
36928 CP 104 ...
36930 RET NC ...then return
36931 SET 2,(IX+9) Set Trap-Door-opened flag
36935 XOR A Set room of "closed Trap Door" to 0 (i.e. remove from Trap Door room)...
36936 LD (43188),A ...
36939 INC A Increase A to 1 (index of Trap Door room)...
36940 LD (43437),A ...and set this as the current room of "open Trap Door"...
36943 LD (43450),A ...and marker (preventing Berk and Drutt passing door lid)
36946 RET Return
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