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36887: Execute script data for Boni's kidnap and handle Trap Door opening and closing
Used by the routine at 36791.
36887 LD IX,43619 Load IX with address of complex state data for flying skeleton creature
36891 LD A,(43628) If Berk-and-Drutt-through-Trap-Door flag is set...
36894 BIT 3,A ...
36896 RET NZ ...then return
36897 BIT 2,A If Trap-Door-opened flag is set...
36899 JR NZ,36966 ...then jump to 36966 (close the Trap Door if Berk is not in room 1 and Drutt is in room 4)
36901 BIT 1,A If creature's inactive flag is set...
36903 JR NZ,36921 ...then jump to 36921 (open the Trap Door if Berk is near the left side of the Trap Door room)
36905 LD HL,(36801) Load current position in script data for Boni's kidnap from 36801 into HL...
36908 LD (34277),HL ...and store at 34277 as position in script currently running
36911 CALL 36947 Advance HL to next script instruction and start executing
36914 LD HL,(34277) Store address (current position in script data) stored at 34277...
36917 LD (36801),HL 36801 as current position in script data for Boni's kidnap
36920 RET Return
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