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63472: Update character printing routine to use base address of text character set graphics
Used by the routines at 39393 and 47326.
HL (Entry at 63476 only) Effective start address of an alternative character set
63472 PUSH HL Store HL
63473 LD HL,27480 Load HL with address of (effective) start of character set graphics
This entry point is used by the routine at 63488.
63476 PUSH AF Store AF
63477 LD A,L Set operand of instruction at 63006 (character printing routine) to address in HL...
63478 LD (63007),A ...
63481 LD A,H ...
63482 LD (63008),A ...
63485 POP AF Restore AF
63486 POP HL Restore HL
63487 RET Return
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