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62853: Set position of character whose turn it is to move to his/her initial position
Used by the routine at 62622.
62853 LD A,(23455) Load BC with three times index of character whose turn it is to be updated...
62856 LD C,A ...
62857 ADD A,A ...
62858 ADD A,C ...
62859 LD C,A ...
62860 LD B,0 ...
62862 LD HL,24898 Load HL with start address of table of characters' current positions...
62865 ADD HL,BC ...and add BC as offset
62866 LD DE,48661 Load DE with start address of table of characters' initial positions
62869 EX DE,HL Swap DE and HL
At this point, DE points to current position data of character of interest and HL points to table of characters' initial positions
62870 ADD HL,BC Add BC to HL as offset (HL now points to character's initial position)
62871 LD BC,3 Set character's current position to same as initial position...
62874 LDIR ...
62876 RET Return
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