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62443: Make Chicken lay an egg if possible
Used by the routine at 62330.
62443 LD A,(24852) Load A with index of object in Magic Knight's fifth inventory slot (carrying)...
62446 OR A ...and if this is not zero (i.e. Magic Knight's hands are full)...
62447 RET NZ ...then return
62448 LD A,13 If Magic Knight is not carrying the Chicken...
62450 CALL 45510 ...
62453 RET NZ ...then return
62454 LD A,(23466) If index of next object to be laid by Chicken is 42...
62457 CP 42 ...i.e. no more eggs...
62459 RET Z ...then return
62460 LD A,(23466) Load C with index of next object to be laid by Chicken...
62463 LD C,A ...
62464 INC A Increase index of next object to be laid by Chicken...
62465 LD (23466),A ...
62468 LD B,5 Load B with 5 (as Magic Knight has five inventory slots)
62470 LD HL,24848 Load object in C into Magic Knight's first empty inventory (carrying) slot...
62473 JP 45381 ...and return
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