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61913: Store background attribute data at Magic Knight's current location
Used by the routine at 61860.
See also analogous routine at 61638
61913 LD DE,25048 Point DE at table of background attribute data
61916 LD A,(24841) Load A with Magic Knight's current y-coordinate (pixels)
61919 AND 248 Clear lowest three bits to round down to nearest multiple of 8
61921 LD L,A Load this value into HL...
61922 LD H,0 ...
61924 ADD HL,HL Multiply by four to obtain 32 × y-coordinate (characters)...
61925 ADD HL,HL ...
61926 LD A,(24840) Load A with Magic Knight's current x-coordinate (pixels)
61929 RRCA Divide this by eight, rounding down to nearest integer...
61930 RRCA convert from pixels to characters...
61931 RRCA ...
61932 AND 31 ...
61934 LD C,A Load x-coordinate (characters) into BC...
61935 LD B,0 ...
61937 ADD HL,BC Add x-coordinate to 32 × y-coordinate in HL
61938 PUSH HL Store HL (32 × y-coordinate in characters)
61939 LD BC,22528 Add this to start address of attribute file...
61942 ADD HL,BC that HL points to required byte in attribute file
61943 EX (SP),HL Put attribute file address on top of stack and load HL with 32 × y-coordinate
61944 LD BC,23808 Point BC at start of terrain interaction data table...
61947 ADD HL,BC ...and add 32 × y-coordinate as offset in HL
61948 EX (SP),HL Restore attribute file address to HL...
61949 POP IX ...and load IX with terrain interaction address
61951 LD A,(24846) Load C with Magic Knight's attribute...
61954 LD C,A ...
61955 LD B,4 Load B with 4 as Magic Knight is four characters tall
61957 PUSH BC Store BC (B = remaining number of character rows)
61958 LD A,(HL) Copy byte from attribute file...
61959 LD (DE),A ...into table of background attribute data
61960 BIT 5,(IX+0) If preserve-attribute terrain interaction flag is set for this character...
61964 JR NZ,61967 ...then skip ahead to 61967
61966 LD (HL),C Set current attribute file byte to match Magic Knight's attribute
61967 INC HL Advance current position in attribute file
61968 INC DE Advance current position in table of background attribute data
61969 LD A,(HL) Copy byte from attribute file...
61970 LD (DE),A ...into table of background attribute data
61971 BIT 5,(IX+1) If preserve-attribute terrain interaction flag is set for this character...
61975 JR NZ,61978 ...then skip ahead to 61978
61977 LD (HL),C Set current attribute file byte to match Magic Knight's attribute
61978 INC HL Advance current position in attribute file
61979 INC DE Advance current position in table of background attribute data
61980 LD A,(HL) Copy byte from attribute file...
61981 LD (DE),A ...into table of background attribute data
61982 BIT 5,(IX+2) If preserve-attribute terrain interaction flag is set for this character...
61986 JR NZ,61989 ...then skip ahead to 61989
61988 LD (HL),C Set current attribute file byte to match Magic Knight's attribute
61989 INC DE Advance current position in table of background attribute data
61990 LD BC,30 Advance current position in attribute file by 30 bytes...
61993 ADD HL,BC ...i.e. down one character and left two characters
61994 LD BC,32 Advance current position in terrain interaction data table by 32 bytes...
61997 ADD IX,BC ...i.e. down one character
61999 POP BC Restore BC (B = remaining number of character rows)
62000 DJNZ 61957 If character rows remain then loop back to 61957
62002 RET Return
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