Prev: 61387 Up: Map Next: 61411
61390: Read (from graphic data) repeat counter value, x, and draw x rows of reset pixels
Used by the routine at 61336.
DE Current position in graphic data
61390 LD C,0 Set C to zero (all bits reset)
This entry point is used by the routine at 61411.
61392 INC DE Advance graphic data pointer
61393 LD A,(DE) Load next data byte (repeat counter) into A
61394 INC DE Advance graphic data pointer
61395 LD B,A Load B (repeat counter) with value in A
61396 LD A,C Load A with zero (i.e. all eight pixel bits reset)
61397 CALL 61387 Load byte of graphic data in A into display file address in HL
61400 CALL 61415 Advance HL to next location in display file (up or down one pixel)...
61403 JP NZ,61386 ...and if this new location is outside dimensions of the graphic then jump to 61386 (return)
61406 DJNZ 61396 Decrease repeat counter and loop back to 61396 if not zero
61408 JP 61365 Jump back to 61365 to process next graphic data byte
Prev: 61387 Up: Map Next: 61411