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61267: Room drawing: Reset apply-vertical-mirror flag, set apply-horizontal-mirror flag and draw a graphic
Used by the routine at 40664.
61267 XOR A Load 61373 with opcode for NOP
61268 LD (61373),A
61271 LD H,A Load 61374 and 61375 with opcode for NOP
61272 LD L,A
61273 LD (61374),HL
61276 LD A,2 Reset apply-vertical-mirror flag and set apply-horizontal-mirror flag
61278 LD (23450),A
61281 LD A,7 Set pixel row counter to 7
61283 LD (23449),A
61286 LD A,(23408) Load C with x-coordinate of left edge of current graphic to draw
61289 LD C,A
61290 LD A,(23411) Load B with y-coordinate + 1 for current graphic
61293 LD B,A
61294 JP 61323 Jump to 61323 (set coordinates, draw the graphic then return)
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