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61236: Room drawing: Set apply-vertical-mirror flag, reset apply-horizontal-mirror flag and draw a graphic
Used by the routine at 40664.
61236 LD A,205 Load 61373 with opcode for CALL
61238 LD (61373),A
61241 LD HL,61625 Load 61374 (i.e. operand of instruction at 61373) with address of start of "reverse the order of the bits in A" routine
61244 LD (61374),HL
61247 XOR A Set pixel row counter to zero
61248 LD (23449),A
61251 INC A Set apply-vertical-mirror flag and reset apply-horizontal-mirror flag
61252 LD (23450),A
61255 LD A,(23409) Load B with y-coordinate of graphic to draw
61258 LD B,A
61259 LD A,(23410) Load C with x-coordinate of graphic to draw and decrease by one
61262 DEC A
61263 LD C,A
61264 JP 61336 Jump to 61336 (draw the graphic then return)
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