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45466: Test whether current object is too heavy for Magic Knight to pick up (or take)
Used by the routines at 41578 and 41924.
F Sign flag set if object is light enough to be picked up, reset otherwise
45466 LD IX,24848 Point IX at start of Magic Knight's current inventory
45470 LD A,(24768) Load Magic Knight's current strength into A
45473 PUSH AF Store AF (A = Magic Knight's current strength)
45474 LD BC,1280 Load B with 5 (as five inventory slots to check) and C (total weight carried) with zero
45477 LD A,(IX+0) Load object in current inventory slot
45480 OR A If no object present...
45481 JR Z,45492 ...skip ahead to 45492...
45483 CALL 45351 Load A with weight of object A
45486 ADD A,C Add C to this...
45487 LD C,A ...and load result into C (total weight so far)
45488 INC IX Advance to next inventory slot
45490 DJNZ 45477 Loop back for next inventory slot
45492 POP AF Restore AF (A = Magic Knight's current strength)
45493 AND 127 Ensure that strength is capped at 127 and that sign flag is reset
45495 SUB C Subtract total weight of Magic Knight's carried objects from his strength to get "surplus" strength...
45496 LD C,A ...and load into C
45497 LD A,(41779) Load A with index of Current Object (i.e. object Magic Knight is trying to pick up)
45500 CALL 45351 Load A with weight of object A
45503 CP C Set sign flag if surplus strength exceeds weight of object, otherwise reset
45504 RET Return
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