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44253: Show "WELL DONE" screen, jumping to game over when fire is pressed
Used by the routine at 43950.
44253 IM 1 Set interrupt mode 1
44255 LD A,(23446) Increase bonus score by 17...
44258 ADD A,17 ...
44260 LD (23446),A ...
44263 CALL 64548 Flash border and screen (as in cast a spell)
44266 LD A,10 Draw window 10...
44268 CALL 47193 ...
44271 LD HL,50947 Point HL at "WELL DONE..." text
44274 CALL 46902 ...and print to screen
44277 LD HL,16384 Blank out top two thirds of display file...
44280 LD DE,16385 ...
44283 LD BC,4095 ...
44286 LD (HL),L ...
44287 LDIR ...
44289 LD A,71 Load A with 71 (white INK, black PAPER, BRIGHT)...
44291 LD (23695),A ...and store this value at 23693 and 23695...
44294 LD (23693),A ...
44297 LD HL,22528 Load HL with start of attribute section of video memory
44300 LD DE,22529 Load DE with next byte up
44303 LD BC,511 Load BC with length of data to copy (511 bytes = length of 16 rows of attribute area of video memory minus one)
44306 LD (HL),A Load memory at HL with this attribute...
44307 LDIR ...and repeat 511 times
44309 LD HL,0 Set Magic Knight's x- and y-velocities to zero...
44312 LD (24844),HL ...
44315 LD HL,19320 Set Magic Knight's x-coordinate to 120 and y-coordinate to 75...
44318 LD (24840),HL ...
44321 XOR A Set unused data at 24842 to zero...
44322 LD (24842),A ...
44325 CALL 61860 Store background attributes if appropriate, then draw Magic Knight to display without drawing axes
44328 CALL 64230 Wait for interrupt then display "PRESS FIRE TO CONTINUE" window and wait for fire to be pressed
44331 LD HL,51006 Point HL at "YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR TASK..." text
44334 JP 64582 Display cyan "game over" window and return to control selection menu
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