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41059: Unused routine
Skip IX over room layout data entry for which painting (attribute / terrain interaction) is inappropriate.
IX Points to start of an instruction in room layout data
A First byte of the instruction
41059 INC IX Advance by six bytes to start of next instruction...
41061 INC IX ...
41063 INC IX ...
41065 INC IX ...
41067 INC IX ...
41069 INC IX ...
41071 BIT 0,A If instruction number is even (i.e. instruction which has five parameters)...
41073 JP Z,39067 ...then process next room layout instruction (jump to 39067)...
41076 INC IX ...otherwise, advance by one more byte to skip over sixth parameter...
41078 JP 39067 ...and process next room layout instruction (jump to 39067)
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