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40765: Unused routine
This is a room drawing routine. It draws a line.
40765 INC HL Advance data pointer by three bytes...
40766 INC HL ...
40767 INC HL ...
40768 LD C,(HL) Load x-coordinate of start of line into C
40769 INC HL Advance HL to y-coordinate of start of line...
40770 LD B,(HL) ...and load into B
40771 INC HL Advance HL to x-coordinate of end of line...
40772 LD E,(HL) ...and load into E
40773 INC HL Advance HL to y-coordinate of end of line...
40774 LD D,(HL) ...and load into D
40775 INC HL Advance HL to start of next room layout data entry
40776 PUSH HL Store HL (current position in room layout data)
40777 CALL 48360 Draw a line from (C, B) to (E, D)
40780 POP HL Restore HL (current position in room layout data)
40781 JP 38977 Jump back to 38977 for next byte of room layout data
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