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38512: Set terrain interaction data for, and draw, all objects in Magic Knight's current room
Used by the routine at 28092.
38512 LD IX,25464 Point IX at start of objects' current positions table at 25464
38516 LD C,0 Set current object to zero
38518 LD B,50 Set counter to 50 (as there are 50 objects, including "nothing at all")
38520 LD A,(65529) Load A with Magic Knight's current room
38523 CP (IX+0) If object and Magic Knight are in the same room...
38526 CALL Z,38550 ...then set terrain interaction data for character blocks spanned by that object and draw
38529 INC C Increase C
38530 INC IX Advance to next object...
38532 INC IX ...
38534 INC IX ...
38536 DJNZ 38520 ...and repeat
38538 RET Return
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