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33788: Flash border and make sound (as in move lift)
Used by the routine at 33663.
33788 LD HL,600 Load HL with 600
33791 XOR A Set A to zero
33792 OUT (254),A Set bits on port 254
33794 LD B,250 Load B with 250 (length of pause)
33796 NOP Pause by doing nothing...
33797 NOP ...
33798 DJNZ 33796 Loop back for next part of pause
33800 XOR 7 Invert bits 0, 1 and 2
33802 DEC HL Decrease HL by one
33803 LD A,H Set various bits of A...
33804 OR L ...
33805 JR NZ,33792 While HL is not zero, repeat loop
33807 RET Return
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