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33770: Set the lift as not being at any floor at all
Used by the routines at 33593, 33663 and 55349.
33770 LD HL,41713 Point HL to room connectivity table entry for left-hand exit of left-most room in Roof Garden
33773 LD DE,16 Set DE to 16 (as each floor takes up 16 bytes in that table, except the basement of course!)
33776 LD A,255 Set A to 255 (value that makes an exit of a room non-traversable)
33778 LD B,7 Load B with 7 (as there are 8 floors)
33780 LD (HL),A Set left-most exit of current floor to be inaccessible
33781 ADD HL,DE Advance by 16 bytes to next floor down
33782 DJNZ 33780 Repeat for next floor
33784 LD (41712),A Set right-hand exit of the lift to be inaccessible
33787 RET Return
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