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32764: Cast Crystallium Spectralis if possible, otherwise display failure message
Used by the routine at 32655.
32764 LD A,(23468) If Gimbal-is-free flag is set...
32767 BIT 0,A ...
32769 JP NZ,34664 ...then display "GIMBAL IS ALREADY FREE..." window and exit
32772 LD A,(65529) ...else load A with Magic Knight's current room
32775 LD B,A Copy into B
32776 LD A,(25440) Load A with Gimbal's current room
32779 CP B Check if Gimbal and Magic Knight are in the same room...
32780 JP NZ,34634 ...and if they aren't then display "THAT SPELL CANNOT YET BE CAST..." window and exit
32783 LD A,(25449) Load A with Orik's current room
32786 CP B Check if Orik and Magic Knight are in the same room...
32787 JP NZ,34634 ...and if they aren't then display "THAT SPELL CANNOT YET BE CAST..." window and exit
32790 LD A,6 Load A with 6 (index for Crystal Ball)
32792 LD HL,25415 Point HL at Orik's current inventory
32795 CALL 34259 If Orik is not carrying the Crystal Ball then...
32798 JP NZ,34634 ...display "THAT SPELL CANNOT YET BE CAST..." window and exit
32801 LD A,32 Load A with index of object 32 (White Gold Ring)
32803 CALL 34256 Check whether Magic Knight is carrying the White Gold Ring...
32806 JP NZ,34634 ...and if not, display "THAT SPELL CANNOT YET BE CAST..." window and exit
32809 CALL 33278 Flash border and screen (as in cast a spell)
32812 LD A,(23378) Set bit 0 of score progress flags...
32815 OR 1 ...
32817 LD (23378),A ...
32820 JP 34640 Display "THE SPELL HAS WORKED! GIMBAL IS NEARLY FREE" window and return to game
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