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35828: Display acceleration / deceleration effect on USS Pisces viewscreen
Used by the routines at 32065 and 32124.
35828 LD HL,2055 Set x- and y-coordinates of top-left of region to fill to (7, 8)...
35831 LD (23493),HL ...
35834 LD HL,4376 Set x- and y-coordinates of bottom-right of region to fill to (24, 17)...
35837 LD (23495),HL ...
35840 LD A,71 Set attribute to use in fill to 71 (white INK, black PAPER, BRIGHT)...
35842 LD (35948),A ...
35845 HALT Wait for interrupt
35846 CALL 35940 Fill the defined region of attribute file (i.e. viewscreen contents) with attribute 71
35849 CALL 35882 Draw viewscreen "tunnel" rectangles
35852 XOR A Set attribute to use in fill to 0 (black INK, black PAPER)...
35853 LD (35948),A ...
35856 LD B,16 Load B with 16 (repeat counter)
35858 PUSH BC Store BC (B = remaining number of attribute updates)
35859 LD A,(35948) Add eight to attribute value used to fill viewscreen contents (i.e. increment PAPER component)...
35862 ADD A,8 ...
35864 AND 56 Ensure that INK, BRIGHT and FLASH bits are all reset
35866 OR 71 Set INK component to WHITE and set BRIGHT flag
35868 LD (35948),A Store updated attribute value
35871 HALT Wait for interrupt
35872 CALL 35940 Fill the defined region of attribute file (i.e. viewscreen contents) with current attribute value
35875 POP BC Restore BC (B = remaining number of attribute updates)
35876 DJNZ 35858 Decrease remaining number of attribute updates and loop back to 35858 if not zero
35878 CALL 35882 Draw viewscreen "tunnel" rectangles
35881 RET Return
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