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33926: Update current character based upon selection made in menu
Used by the routine at 34122.
A Index of selected character from a character-selection menu
33926 LD HL,23404 Point HL at list of characters in room of interest
33929 LD E,A Load DE with index of selected item in menu...
33930 LD D,0 ...
33932 ADD HL,DE Add this as offset in table of characters in room to point to character of interest
33933 LD A,(HL) Load index of this character into A
33934 LD (29632),A Modify operand of instruction at 29631 to use this particular character (i.e. set Current Character)
This entry point is used by the routine at 29619.
33937 LD DE,33943 Point DE at instruction to print name of Current Character
This entry point is used by the routine at 33911.
33940 JP 54283 Print text at DE in command summary window at top of screen and return
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