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31122: Cast Remove Barriers if possible, otherwise display failure message
Used by the routine at 55726.
31122 LD A,(23403) If barriers-removed flag is set...
31125 AND 1 ...
31127 JP NZ,55262 ...then display "THERE ARE NO BARRIERS TO BE REMOVED HERE." window (29) and return to game
31130 LD A,(23701) If Magic Knight's current room is not 09 (Retreat, 2, barrier room)...
31133 CP 9 ...
31135 JP NZ,55262 ...then display "THERE ARE NO BARRIERS TO BE REMOVED HERE." window (29) and return to game
31138 LD A,12 If Magic Knight is not wearing the Magic Talisman (12)...
31140 CALL 33640 ...
31143 JP NZ,55332 ...then display "YOU CANNOT CAST THAT SPELL NOW..." window (10) and return to game
31146 LD A,(25024) Load Magic Knight's current magic level into A...
31149 AND 127 ...
31151 CP 55 If this is less than 55...
31153 JP C,55332 ...then display "YOU CANNOT CAST THAT SPELL NOW..." window (10) and return to game
31156 SUB 55 Subtract 55 from magic level...
31158 LD B,A ...and load into B
31159 LD A,(25024) Load A with unused bit...
31162 AND 128 ...
31164 OR B ...combine with remaining magic level value...
31165 LD (25024),A ...and store
31168 CALL 55651 Flash border and screen (as in cast a spell)
31171 LD A,(23403) Set barriers-removed flag...
31174 OR 1 ...
31176 LD (23403),A ...
31179 LD HL,50956 Set room layout data pointer address for Retreat, 2 to address of "without barrier" version of room 09 (50956)...
31182 LD (50161),HL ...
31185 JP 55344 Display "THE BARRIER HAS FADED INTO NOTHINGNESS" window (29) and return to game
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