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59543: Unused routine
This routine appears to have been set up to load visual data into the display and attribute files and then to load the game code and data into RAM, from address 27000 onwards. This routine was probably used during development.
A New value for DF SZ system variable
59543 LD (23659),A Set DF SZ system variable to value in A
59546 LD DE,6912 Set data length to 6912
59549 LD IX,40000 Set base address for load to 40000
59553 LD A,255 Load A with 255 to denote a data block
59555 SCF Set carry flag as we are LOADing, not VERIFYing
59556 CALL 1366 Call ROM routine to load game data
59559 LD HL,40000 Copy data just loaded to display file / attribute file...
59562 LD DE,16384 ...
59565 LD BC,6912 ...
59568 LDIR ...
59570 LD DE,32860 Set data length to 32860
59573 LD IX,27000 Set base address for load to 27000
59577 LD A,255 Load A with 255 to denote a data block
59579 SCF Set carry flag as we are LOADing, not VERIFYing
59580 CALL 1366 Call ROM routine to load game data
59583 JP 34200 Jump to code entry point
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