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54480: Set room of entity at IX to B, store room size data for new room and load E with entity's width minus one
Used by the routines at 54398, 54434, 55433 and 55616.
B Destination room index
IX Address of complex state data for an entity
E Entity's width, minus one (characters)
54480 LD A,B Set entity's current room to be destination room...
54481 LD (IX+0),A ...
54484 PUSH HL Store HL
54485 PUSH DE Store DE
54486 CALL 53848 Store room size data for entity's current room
54489 POP DE Restore DE
54490 POP HL Restore HL
54491 LD A,(IX+7) Load A with x-coordinate of entity's right...
54494 SUB (IX+5) ...subtract x-coordinate of entity's left...
54497 LD E,A ...and load result (entity's width minus one) into E
54498 RET Return
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