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51739: Update states of Drutt and worm and store current positions in script data
Used by the routine at 34438.
51739 CALL 52837 Update state of worm and store current position in script data
51742 LD IX,(34242) Load IX with address of current level's complex state data for Drutt
51746 CALL 53848 Store room size data for Drutt's current room
51749 LD HL,(51518) Load current position in Drutt's script data from 51518 into HL...
51752 LD (34277),HL ...and store at 34277 as position in script currently running
51755 CALL 51765 Update state of Drutt
51758 LD HL,(34277) Store address (current position in script data) stored at 34277...
51761 LD (51518),HL 51518 as current position in Drutt's script data
51764 RET Return
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