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45965: Populate primary display buffer with graphic layout data for entity whose simple / complex state data is at address in IX
Used by the routine at 45899.
IX Address of complex state data for an entity
45965 LD E,(IX+2) Load DE with address of graphic layout data for entity
45968 LD D,(IX+3)
45971 LD A,(34233) Load A with y-coordinate of top edge of current character's current room, add y-coordinate of graphic element to draw as offset, subtract 100 and load into L
45974 ADD A,(IX+4)
45977 SUB 100
45979 LD L,A
45980 LD A,(34231) Load A with x-coordinate of left edge of current character's current room, add x-coordinate of graphic element to draw as offset, subtract 100 and load into H
45983 ADD A,(IX+5)
45986 SUB 100
45988 LD H,A
45989 LD (34281),HL Store x- and y-coordinates at 34281
45992 PUSH DE Load IX with address of graphic layout data in simple/complex state data
45993 POP IX
45995 LD B,0 Reset do-not-recalculate-display-buffer-address flag, as address not yet calculated
45997 JR 46003 Jump to 46003 (read / process data at address in IX)
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