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42486: Open snake's mouth and set Berk-has-been-killed flag if snake and Berk have collided
Used by the routine at 42381.
HL Address of snake's attack progress index
IX Address of complex state data for snake (level 4)
42486 LD BC,42703 Set snake's graphic layout data address to 42703...
42489 CALL 42512 ...(snake, mouth open, attacking)
42492 CALL 54768 Check entity at IX for collision with another entity at same depth whose interaction-(11,6) flag is set...
42495 CP 31 ...and if collision was not with entity of class 31 (Berk)...
42497 RET NZ ...then return
42498 POP BC Remove top value from stack (i.e. return address to routine that called this routine)
42499 LD (HL),18 Set snake's attack progress index to 18
42501 CALL 53667 Set Berk-has-been-killed flag
42504 RET Return
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