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38377: Start level 2 key falling if Bubo's projectile is in place below it
Used by the routine at 38219.
IX Address of complex state data for Bubo's projectile (level 2)
38377 LD A,(IX+0) If room of projectile is not 1...
38380 CP 1 ...
38382 RET NZ ...then return
38383 LD A,(IX+5) If projectile's left-side has an x-coordinate less than 114...
38386 CP 114 ...
38388 RET C ...then return
38389 CP 118 If projectile's left-side has an x-coordinate of 118 or more...
38391 RET NC ...then return
38392 LD IY,44240 Load IY with address of complex state data for key (level 2)
38396 LD A,(IY+0) If key's room is not 2...
38399 CP 2 ...
38401 RET NZ ...then return
38402 BIT 6,(IY+10) If key's is-falling flag is set...
38406 RET NZ ...then return
38407 SET 6,(IY+10) Set key's is-falling flag
38411 LD (IY+12),2 Set key's velocity factor to 2
38415 RET Return
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