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36471: Script routine: (56) Give Berk power corresponding to entity eaten
Used by the routine at 48096.
IX Address of complex state data (current level) for Berk
36471 CALL 48417 Remove Berk's current power and reset sweet / mushroom / edible eyes / sausage to its original state
36474 LD A,(34221) Set current power value to class of entity currently held by Berk...
36477 LD (34220),A ...
36480 XOR A Set class of entity held by Berk to zero (i.e. none)...
36481 LD (34221),A ...
36484 LD (34224),A Set number of elapsed game-cycles in current block to zero
36487 RES 4,(IX+9) Reset Berk's carrying-something flag
36491 LD IY,(34260) Load IY with address of complex state data for entity last held by Berk...
36495 LD (IY+1),A ...and set its depth to zero (i.e. outside room)
36498 LD A,(IY+10) Initialise remaining duration of power to value encoded entity's complex state data (bits 0-4)...
36501 AND 31 ...
36503 LD (34225),A ...
36506 LD A,(34220) If Berk's current power is not floating (level 3)...
36509 CP 10 ...
36511 JP NZ,48096 ...then jump to 48096 (advance HL to next script instruction and execute)
Power is floating
36514 LD (IX+12),12 Set distance Berk will be pushed by Drutt while floating to 12
36518 SET 7,(IX+9) Set Berk's moving-upwards flag
36522 LD (IX+11),240 Reset Berk's walking-right, walking-left, unused-(11,2) and unused-(11,3) flags, and set his impassable-leftwards, impassable-rightwards, interaction-(11,6) and interaction-(11,7) flags
36526 SET 7,(IX+8) Set bit 7 of Berk's class value (i.e. set spans-full-depth flag)
36530 INC (IX+6) Increase y-coordinate of Berk's bottom edge by two characters...
36533 INC (IX+6) ...
36536 LD HL,35515 Point HL at script data for Berk gaining floating power...
36539 JP 48098 ...and execute
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