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36367: If Berk is neither facing into the screen nor walking then exit calling routine and have Berk turn into screen
Used by the routine at 35735.
IX Address of complex state data (current level) for Berk
36367 BIT 1,(IX+9) If Berk's facing-into-screen flag is set...
36371 RET NZ ...then return
36372 LD A,(IX+11) If either of Berk's walking-left or walking-right flags is set...
36375 AND 3 ...
36377 RET NZ ...then return
36378 POP BC Remove top value from stack (i.e. return address to routine that called this routine)
36379 LD HL,35105 Point HL at script data for Berk turning (facing out of screen to facing into screen)...
36382 JP 48098 ...and execute
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