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47703: Load A with (zero-based) index of selected menu item
Used by the routine at 47502.
A Selected menu item index (zero-based)
47703 CALL 47592 Wait for fire button / key to be released
47706 LD BC,(23476) Load BC with absolute coordinates (characters) of start of row of text of interest in menu
47710 LD A,(23456) Load C with initial y-coordinate of top of hand cursor relative to current window (characters)...
47713 LD C,A ...
47714 LD A,(23409) Load A with y-coordinate of top edge of current window (characters)...
47717 ADD A,C ...add C...
47718 INC A ...and add 1 to get absolute y-coordinate of first item in menu
47719 LD C,A Store y-coordinate in C
47720 LD A,B Load A with y-coordinate of row of text of interest in menu
47721 SUB C Subtract absolute y-coordinate of first item in menu to give zero-based index of selected item
47722 PUSH AF Store AF (A = selected item index)
47723 LD A,(23479) Load A with current y-coordinate of hand cursor relative to its starting position (pixels)...
47726 CALL 47731 ...and use to de-highlight selected menu item
47729 POP AF Restore AF (A = selected item index)
47730 RET Return
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