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46752: Properties of the axes
Up to four axes may exist in a room, therefore there are four entries in this table. Each axe's properties are encoded in eight bytes with the following meanings:
Offset Purpose
0 x-coordinate
1 y-coordinate
2 x-velocity
3 y-velocity
4 Frame number / UDG index
5 Unused
6 Unused
7 Unused
The frame number / UDG code takes on the values 32 (initially), 116, 117, 118 or 119, corresponding to the UDG data at 28504, 29176, 29184, 29192 and 29200 respectively. The axe UDG codes assume a character set base address of 28248, the same as that used in the floor drawing routine.
46752 DEFB 12,112,4,2,116,0,0,0 Axe 1
46760 DEFB 12,112,2,252,116,0,0,0 Axe 2
46768 DEFB 200,120,252,2,116,0,0,0 Axe 3
46776 DEFB 200,120,254,252,116,0,0,0 Axe 4
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