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40489: Room-specific routine: Display cave progress and set Magic Knight's x-velocity to 2 if at floor level
Used by the routine at 40190.
40489 LD A,(23465) Load A with current progress through cave
40492 LD HL,51067 Point HL at "---" text
40495 CALL 46837 Splice numeric cave progress data as a string into "---" text
40498 LD HL,16558 Load HL with display file address corresponding to (14, 5) (characters)...
40501 LD (63018),HL ...and move bitmap virtual text cursor here
40504 LD HL,51067 Point HL at "---" text...
40507 CALL 46902 ...and print
40510 LD A,2 Prepare to set Magic Knight's x-velocity to 2...
40512 LD (40539),A ...
40515 LD A,(24841) If Magic Knight's current y-coordinate (pixels) is not 152...
40518 CP 152 ...
40520 RET NZ ...then return
40521 JR 40538 Set Magic Knight's x-velocity to 2, redraw and return
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