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37951: Display instructions windows
Used by the routines at 37689 and 43494.
37951 LD A,10 Set y-coordinate of top edge (characters) of window 7 to 10...
37953 LD (49092),A ...
37956 LD A,7 Load A with 7 (index of window to draw)
37958 LD HL,50138 Point HL at instructions text
37961 CALL 37989 Print text at HL in window 7
37964 LD A,8 Draw window 8...
37966 CALL 47193 ...
37969 LD HL,50296 Point HL at "THE KEYS ARE :-..." text...
37972 CALL 46902 ...and print to screen
37975 CALL 63691 Print current control keys to screen
37978 CALL 47897 Play upward scale sound
37981 CALL 64230 Wait for interrupt then display "PRESS FIRE TO CONTINUE" window and wait for fire to be pressed
37984 LD A,9 Prepare to draw window 9
37986 LD HL,50360 Point HL at cast of characters text
37989 PUSH HL Store HL (pointer to text to print)
37990 CALL 47193 Draw current instructions window
37993 POP HL Restore HL (pointer to text to print)
37994 CALL 46902 Print text
37997 CALL 47897 Play upward scale sound
38000 JP 64230 Wait for interrupt then display "PRESS FIRE TO CONTINUE" window and wait for fire to be pressed and return
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