Prev: 37764 Up: Map Next: 37909
37880: Clear stack and prepare to load data
Used by the routine at 37764.
37880 POP DE Remove return address of calling routine from top of stack
37881 LD SP,23808 Set stack pointer to 23808
37884 LD HL,38205 Load HL with start address of main game loop routine
37887 PUSH HL Store HL (address of main game loop)
37888 LD (23613),SP Store stack pointer address at 23613
37892 PUSH DE Store HL (return address in routine that called this routine)
37893 CALL 47897 Play upward scale sound
37896 CALL 64230 Wait for interrupt then display "PRESS FIRE TO CONTINUE" window and wait for fire to be pressed
37899 LD IX,23296 Set base address for load to 23296
37903 LD DE,23808 Set data length to 23808
37906 LD A,255 Load A with 255 to denote a data block
37908 RET Return
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