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38221: Play "beep" sound (as in moving through instructions windows)
Used by the routine at 26835.
38221 PUSH AF Store AF
38222 PUSH BC Store BC
38223 LD B,0 Set B to zero
38225 XOR A Set A to zero
38226 OUT (254),A Reset speaker and border colour to zero
38228 LD C,100 Do nothing for 100 "cycles"...
38230 DEC C ...
38231 JR NZ,38230 ...
38233 XOR 16 Invert bit 4 (ear / speaker bit)...
38235 OUT (254),A ...and write to port 254 (inverting state of speaker, making a sound)
38237 DJNZ 38225 Decrease B and loop back
38239 POP BC Restore BC
38240 POP AF Restore AF
38241 RET Return
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