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29060: Skip IX over room layout data entry for which painting (attribute / terrain interaction) is inappropriate
Used by the routine at 27951.
IX Points to start of an instruction (252 - 255) in room layout data
A First byte of the instruction
29060 INC IX Advance by six bytes to start of next instruction...
29062 INC IX ...
29064 INC IX ...
29066 INC IX ...
29068 INC IX ...
29070 INC IX ...
29072 BIT 0,A If instruction number is even (i.e. instruction 252 or 254, each of which have five parameters)...
29074 JP Z,27989 ...then process next room layout instruction (jump to 27989)...
29077 INC IX ...otherwise, advance by one more byte to skip over sixth parameter (on instructions 253 or 255)...
29079 JP 27989 ...and process next room layout instruction (jump to 27989)
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