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27934: Room drawing: (001 - 250) Read layout parameters and draw graphic in place
Used by the routine at 27762.
A Index of graphic to draw
HL Current position in room layout data
27934 INC HL Advance HL by three bytes to x- and y-coordinates...
27935 INC HL ...
27936 INC HL ...
27937 LD E,(HL) Load x- and y-coordinates (characters) for graphic into DE...
27938 INC HL ...
27939 LD D,(HL) ...
27940 INC HL Advance HL to mirror options...
27941 LD C,(HL) ...and load into C
27942 INC HL Advance HL to next byte (start of next entry) in room layout data
27943 PUSH HL Store HL (current position in room layout data)
27944 EX DE,HL Swap DE (now current position in room layout data) and HL (x- and y-coordinates of graphic to draw)
27945 CALL 28631 Read graphic definition from room layout data and draw
27948 POP HL Restore HL (current position in room layout data)
27949 JR 27894 Loop back to 27894 for next byte of room layout data
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